We are thrilled to announce the names of young emerging artists that have been selected within the BITE 2.0 Open Call! In total 8 artists were selected, represented through 3 artistic groups and 1 solo application.
BITE 2.0 will support selected artists in their quest to produce, present and promote 4 socially engaging contemporary visual art performances that will address challenges and issues related to environment and climate change. The performances will be shown on the streets of Ljubljana, Slovenia, within the festival “A Future of Europe: Code GREEN”, from 9th to 13 of October 2023 and will become a part of the permanent BITE Art Tour: Ljubljana edition.
The names of selected artists are listed here:
- Artistic group consisting of Anne Fehres and Luke Conroy
- Artistic group consisting of Cecilie Fand-Janssens, Ernie Thielemeans and Ash Périer
- Artistic group consisting of Nenad Avramović and Jelena Mirković
- Artist Can Memisogullari
These young artists will now embark on a journey to bring their artistic visions to reality with the help of BITE 2.0. So stay tuned not to miss their progress!
Project BITE 2.0 is co-funded by the European Union.