BITE Networking event takes place in Belgrade

The international networking event within the project BITE 2.0 took place in Belgrade from January 31st to February 2nd, gathering representatives of cultural operators, organizations and institutions from all around Europe. Within the event we officially published the innovative BITE Contemporary Art Business Model (CABM) 2.0 and presented the benefits it brings to the contemporary visual art sector. Besides that, we invited new cultural operators to join the growing BITE network and start linking up with cultural institutions and organizations from around Europe. The networking event also enabled participants to engage in a lively discussion on the role of the contemporary art galleries and museums in the new digital environment.

BITE CABM 2.0 can be now accessed free of charge at the platform. Explore it to find out how to improve your work and attract new, young audiences. 

The project BITE of Art 2.0 is co-funded by the European Union.

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