Why Business Model?

We are using form of “Business Model” by trying to help organizations and institutions in contemporary art to innovate their performance, management and communication. Even if your organization is not running a “business” with a goal to make money, but you want to build your audience, thinking through the form of business model can still be really useful. This model is intended for all profit and non-profit organizations and publicly owned institutions that are active in the promotion, development and sale of contemporary artworks and artist.

The main purpose of this CABM is to increase competitiveness of cultural operators in the field of contemporary visual art, by providing knowhow and tools for attracting wide audience, consumers, and buyers. BITE CABM will serve to any cultural operator to improve its communication with audience and to gain boost on new audience, especially young people.

In developing BITE of Art initiative, and thus BITE 1.0 and BITE 2.0 projects, the main problems, challenges and needs of cultural operators in contemporary art are taken into account. Firstly, how to attract younger audience in constantly emerging technology socies – fighting for their attention, for their free time. Then, to enhance attractiveness of cultural operators’ activities and contemporary artworks, as sustainability of culture and art depends on the audience, consumers and buyers. Overall citizens participation in cultural activities, as well in its frequency of decreasing, influenced economic sustainability of cultural operators.

The needs and challenges of cultural operators today arise from problems caused by the inability to rapidly keep up with the constant development of technologies that have become imperative for communication with, and attracting audiences, especially young people. It was even more emphasized when cultural operators faced Covid-19 pandemic, related to gathering and mobility restrictions. This deepened this problem even more, and the need to solve it became a question of the economic survival of cultural operators.

This BITE 2.0 CABM responds to these key challenges and cultural operators’ needs, by including the following business and technology elements as a framework for overcoming the perceived problems in communicating and attracting new audiences of contemporary visual art:

• Communication Strategy. Process of increasing skills of organizations (cultural operators / institutions) to implement engaging and creative communication campaigns and to contribute to their events, as well to BITE brand visibility, with the key focus is on application of social media campaigns.

• BITE of Art web page - serving for the purpose of promotion, mutual cultural operators networking (BITE forum), as educational online guide, hosting and generating BITE Art Tour, for using BITE 360° and BITE IoT content, hosting BITE podcasts.

• BITE mobile application – (accessing BITE pop-up content) - engaging into BITE Art Tour by connecting geo location and Virtual reality performances, BITE IoT experience at the exhibitions including AR, accessing BITE 360 virtual guided tour with social engaging moments, for building BITE personal artworks collection.

• BITE Virtual Gallery – supporting cultural operators to access artworks’ markets on NFT blockchain platform, for hosting and curate exhibitions of artworks in digital form there, to trade using blockchain technology. This contributes toward greater trans-national circulation of artworks and artists, as well as contributes toward developing a trans-national audience of their work.

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