
The cultural operators have to constantly build their ability to adopt to changes. BITE CABM 2.0 intends to bring to cultural operators in contemporary visual art innovations in content and in communication in order to bring contemporary art and culture higher on the social agenda of young people. With BITE CABM 2.0 cultural operators will improve their skills of communication with young people, the skills of presenting contemporary art to young people, alongside the pop-up BITE tools helping in achieving that communication. This CABM will provide cultural operators with the knowhow in using new technologies in presenting contemporary art and in engaging with the emerging digital art markets. The intervention areas are:

1) Modern business strategy

which served as basis for further creation of engaging of artists and audience. Using a set of modern communication tools and models developed and integrated under the BITE of Art framework. Permanent innovation in doing business, approaching to audience and entering new art markets.

2) Strategic communication planning

– simple and effective methods and tools for defying key messages, their visualization and placement, analysing target audience, planning and using communication channels and tools.

3) Innovating art events and digital tools

– changing the way of promotion and organization of contemporary visual art events. Application of the digital technology solution at the events, out of their place and online. Guiding the audience through the interactive journey of contemporary art exhibitions with the help of storytelling narrative and interaction with artists and their art pieces.

BITE is focusing on application of the innovative technologies and the business solutions in attracting new audience / consumers / buyers - young people 18 - 30 years old, who are actively communicating in digital world and who are daily using digital technologies in satisfying their needs for fun, socializing, traveling, learning, loving. The core of application of BITE CABM into work of cultural operators, is on creating and expanding of a community of young people, who are not only one-event or artwork audience, but funs of contemporary art, artists, or types of artistic expression. With application of BITE CABM the audience is getting a comprehensive story, attracted by narrative, interaction, fun and digital features.

In practice - cultural operator who intent to apply BITE 2.0 CABM into its work, firstly is building its profile at the international BITE web platform, starting using it for self, its events promotion and contact point with the BITE support team. Then, for the particularly contemporary art event is choosing which BITE pop-up content want to apply. In cooperation with BITE support team its going through: selection and segmentation of target audience, preparing tailored campaign, preparing data for application of BITE pop-up content, and realisation of its event with BITE pop-up content, covered with camping targeting selected target audience. BITE CABM 2.0 is cultural operator’s step-by-step guidance through this, and more.

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