Technology innovations

Continuation of the BITE of Art – BITE 2.0 relay on upgrading previously used technical solution and introduction of new tools as result of the technology innovations, that will be on disposal to cultural operators in visual art. They will fully take advantage of the new technologies such are Blockchain, IoT, augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

  • For increasing audience engagement, interaction and accessibility:

  • BITE mobile application

    – is upgraded for the purposes of BITE CABM 2.0: upscaled with new elements for engaging into BITE Art Tour as a new technical solution; upgrading the option for IoT experience; and contributing to the sustainability of application through enabling that visited contemporary visual art works and performances become part of users BITE personal collection.

  • BITE 360°

    - the basic feature remain – it is event / exhibition is transformation into virtual guided tour with 360° experience in the exhibiting facility / space with the virtual curator by storytelling narrative, and it is upgraded with Augmented Reality (AR) features placed in the VR space. Exhibitions in BITE 360° can be accessed by audience on their mobile phones or computers.

  • BITE IoT

    – remaining the feature of guiding tours (information about artworks, artist, etc.), by using BITE mobile application at the exhibition place. It is upgraded with Augmented Reality and image recognition technology, based on gamifications for using codes accessible on Facebook and Instagram, creating an immersive and interactive experience of contemporary visual art exhibitions. Audience will be guided through the exhibition using BITE mobile application, by scanning artworks at the spot.

  • (NEW) BITE Art Tour

    - a new feature of the BITE CABM, accessible using upgraded BITE mobile application. Open-air exhibitions can be recorded by using Virtual reality technology, embedded on earth map, and made permanently accessible in the time to come, by using BITE mobile application and geolocation. In the root of BITE Art Tour is cooperation with local authorities and artists, through joint work on creating an open-air guided tour through the contemporary visual art performances as a part of the cultural-touristic offer of the city. In practice, when audience come at the location, they will use application to scan the landscape image and trigger Virtual reality performances that previously happened at that place.

  • For innovation in doing business:

  • BITE virtual galleries

    – option for cultural operators to position their work on the global markets through opening and successfully running their “BITE Virtual gallery” by using freeware Blockchain technology and NFT trade. BITE virtual galleries tool is allowing cultural operators to run business and trade on the global level - the artworks and artists that they are representing can be presented to the art collectors and buyers at the Virtual exhibiting place, where buying and selling takes place without an intermediary, with the application of the 'smart contracts' and NFT technology. The eligible artworks for Virtual gallery are unique digital works in of pictures, video and GIF formats, then photography and digital reproductions of paintings and digitized exhibition catalogs.

Practical advice and guideline on how to introduce it into your organisation’s work BITE virtual gallery can be found in Annex 2 of this document.

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