How BITE of Art works

7.1. Audience reach and communication channels

Delivering of the above defined “Unique value proposition” according to the BITE 2.0 CABM is happening through the application of the BITE essentials and tools, that are concentrated on communication with young and new audience:


Communication channels

BITE web page

Engaging BITE Social media pages

BITE mobile application with BITE pop-up content: BITE IoT, BITE 360 and BITE Art Tour

BITE Virtual Galleries

Strategic communication planning

Strategic thinking about communications is a process of increasing skills of cultural institutions to implement engaging and creative communication approach to the target audience and campaigns and to contribute to their events to reach higher visibility and wider audience. Communication Strategy is a separate tool developed under the BITE of Art, as a help to potential cultural operators, who intent to apply BITE CABM in their work to tactically plan and use all communication channels at their disposal. By developing their unique engaging communication strategy cultural operator will go through organizational/institutional branding, segmentation of the target group, comprising a personal, social and artistic offer, then how to create and deliver a successful message, etc. By using BITE CABM approach in Strategic communication planning cultural operators have opportunity to learn how to attract and interact with young audience, how to use new innovative technology channels of communication like IoT, geolocation gamification, blockchain platforms, social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook, and to learn how to gradually develop audience through content marketing stages.

In addition, the Strategy will boost visibility of all cultural operators who are applying BITE CABM, as they are becoming members of the emerging pan-European network of cultural operators in contemporary art. Automatically with their placed information, through BITE channels, they are becoming visible in much wider national and international audience – through BITE web page, BITE Social media accounts and BITE mobile application.

Audience reach metric

Any planned audience reach should me measured, in order to observe and especially evaluate performance of the planned communications actions. The cultural operator who intent to apply BITE 2.0 CABM into they work, should take into account how will measure achievements of applied activities that are reflecting in the amount of reached target audience. For application of the right measuring tools, BITE technical support team will be available for consultations.

Below is presented matric of communication channels and indicators that each cultural operator who intent to apply BITE CABM 2.0 into their work should follow:



Web page

Number of target audience reach / engaged (using google analytic)

Social media pages / campaigns

Number of target audience reached

Overall campaign reach

Overall campaign engaged (likes, comments, shares)

BITE mobile application

Number of downloads

BITE 360 (virtual tour)

Number of target audience visited VR exhibition


Number of usages per specific event

BITE Art Tour

BITE Art Tour Number of usages per exhibited artwork/s on geo location

BITE Virtual Galleries

Number of target audience engaged with posted artworks / exhibition on digital marketplace

Measuring revenue variables during application of the BITE of Art elements and content, should follow standard cultural operators’ financials monitoring, and it is recommended to do it on an annual basis. Not on shorter periods.

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