Chapter C


: click at the “ADD ARTWORK” button at the “Add event” page and a submission form page will open for adding information about the each artwork.

Fill in form with the data about the each artist’s artworks:

*Artwork title

*add artwork description (limited on typing 3500 characters)

*Main photo of the artwork

Add any additional photo of artwork, or about artwork

in “paste media url” field add any web link (recommended) that you intent to be publish alongside story about that artwork and that could be readable in application – video / gif/ web site / audio

* compulsory entries

Click “SAVE ARTWORK” button to confirm dates entry, and after that you will be back to the Add Event page where you can add more artist’s artworks, or to finish with data entries.

STEP C.4.1

After finishing adding data about artist/s and artworks click on “SAVE EVENT” button to save and submit to the BITE support team all data entries for the further processing.

> Now you are back on the user’s account main page, from where you can further navigate.

NOTE, after entering data about artists (STEP 3) and each artwork (STEP 4) that you intent to be presented thru BITE IoT mobile application and BITE 360 virtual tour, you will be promptly contact by the BITE technical support team for the further instruction.

These entered data about the artwork are displayed at the BITE IoT mobile application:

Main artwork page

url (YouTube video)

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