WHAT is it?

- It is virtual curator on the BITE mobile application, with option for building personal visitor’s artworks collection.

- It uses image recognition, geolocation or NFC technology to experience live participation and interaction with artists and their exhibited artworks.

- Information to audience thru IoT are accessible in different formats (text, photo, audio and video).

- It has Instagram / Facebook AR filters, for enhancing interaction and promotion.

- It is accessible over BITE mobile application

WHY to use?

- It provides almost unlimited opportunities for interaction between audience and artists and artworks

- To engage young audience with the exhibited artworks and artists, as all information about each artwork can be provided to the visitor, on its request, on the smart phones. Visitors have opportunity to have interactive storytelling journey on art exhibitions.

- Staying in contact with audience thru the personal visitor’s artworks collection feature on mobile app.

- It can be used at the outside walls of the cultural operators premisses to interact with passers-by.

WHEN to apply?

- For exhibiting artworks (paintings, sculptures, video installations) at the exact space.

- For giving additional information about artworks and artists, in any applicable form.

- When there is a need to attract (as well to educate) more young audience to the specific exhibition, artwork/s and cultural operator’s space.

HOW to apply BITE IoT

Application of BITE IoT is available at the exhibition through BITE mobile application for all cultural operators that are members of the BITE of Art network, while BITE technical support team is providing assistance for its application. BITE web site is used for hosting and exchanging data that will be pushed through the BITE IoT.

There are three technical solutions that can be used for triggering IoT at the exhibitions:

1) NFC sensor – (Near Field Connection) - The BITE mobile app recognizes the sensor placed next to the target artwork and reads the information about the artwork that the artist/curator wants to share.

2) Image recognition – The visitor of the exhibition directs the phone's camera while BITE mobile app is on, then app recognizes exhibited artwork and reads the information about the artwork that the artist/curator wants to share.

3) Geolocation - for the exhibition set outside indoor space the BITE mobile app recognizes position of the visitor, and on demand will provide explanatory information about artworks / artists.

Application of BITE IoT in practice should follow these steps:

1. Determinate on which art event intend to apply BITE IoT. It is most applicable at the exhibition types of events – open and close spaces.

2. Preparing required explanatory guiding content for application of BITE IoT (see table below):

o The artist/s in cooperation with curator is giving explanatory, or expression description of event,

o Drafting description for each artwork peace, as well as artists bio, that he/she would like to share with the audience.

o All descriptions can be provided in text and photo, and accompanied with the photo, audio, or video content.

3. Cultural operator at its BITE web site login page / Events announcement, with assistance of BITE technical support team uploading prepared content / descriptions (event, artists/s artworks/s). BITE web platform database is connecting with each artwork peace that cultural operator / curator wants to exhibit.

4. For using NFC solution - production of the BITE card / sticker (in which the NFC sensor is hidden) that will be posted alongside each exhibited artwork. It will be done by BITE technical support team. The BITE card/sticker can be printed in desirable design and form. Recommended size is 5x10cm.

o How connecting? The BITE card / sticker contains connecting weblink to the prepared description content readable by BITE mobile application.

o BITE card / sticker with NFC sensor should be place in the space where the exhibition will be held, next to each artwork piece, or on the position agreed with the curator and artist.

5. For using image recognition solution – before opening the exhibition, and after its setting, BITE technical support team is recording each exhibited artworks to be recognised through image recognition feature at the BITE mobile app.

6. At the entrance to the event space, exhibition space, from introduction board / poster, every visitor is getting introduced with this novelty and receiving instructions + QR codes to install the application.

o Design and place in the space introduction board / poster

o It would be desirable that exhibiting space has free Wi-Fi.

7. Entering the exhibition, the application for that exhibition is getting unlocked and then the visitor can start tour and discovering artworks. Wherever visitor wants, puts near his/her Smart phone / tablet next to the BITE IoT sticker or direct its camera and begins to receive the information from the virtual curator.


    Application of the BITE IoT virtual curator application

  • Determinate event for application of BITE IoT

  • Prepare description / synopsis of the event (text, photos)

  • Prepare content about artists/s (at least text + photos, video)

  • Prepare content about each exhibited artwork peace (at least text + photos, video links)

  • Announce the event at the BITE web portal, user page Events announcement and fill in all data

  • Upload at the BITE web portal prepared content about artists/s and about each exhibited artwork peace

  • Produce BITE card / sticker sensors

  • Record exhibited artworks in the option of using Image recognition solution

  • Place BITE card / sticker sensors in the exhibition space, next to each artwork piece

  • Produce and post introduction board / poster at the entrance to the event space, or where is the most convenience

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