Utilizing BITE of Art Mobile application

All content that you intent to present thru BITE mobile app have to be prior prepared and uploaded thru BITE web page in cooperation with BITE support team. For that purpose, please refer to the chapters C, D and E of this manual.

BITE pop-up content (see Annex 1 of CABM) is directly hyperlinked with BITE mobile application:

- BITE 360: recorded exhibition in VR 360 technique will be automatically available on BITE Mobile App for all users at the exhibition site. After visitors’ attendance of the exhibition they will have full access to entire recorded exhibition in 360 m ode.

- BITE IoT: Visitors through the BITE mobile app will have access to all additional content that curators/artists have prepared about the exhibition and each artwork. Visitors can access content about the artworks directly at the exhibition location using three technologies compatible with the BITE mobile app: 1) NFC sensors, 2) Image recognition, and 3) Geolocation.

- BITE Art Tour: Visitors can see and experience visual art performances, installations or sculptures that were once exhibited in the public spaces. Now, these artworks are becoming permanently present in that public surroundings as augmented reality objects thru BITE mobile app, at that specific location. This tool is using geolocation technology.

The BITE Mobile Application (App) is created to be intuitive and user-friendly for the audience, especially for young ones. The next instructional steps are provided to introduce you to how the App can be utilized in practice:

Log in

After downloading and integrating application you can choose to log in in order to have your personal account with your collection. You can use Apple and Google accounts for logging.


There are 4 links in the left bar menu and 3 key icons for navigation in the bottom App menu. Access to the left bar menu by clicking on 3 lines (down-left) / or swipe from left to right.

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