Galleries Are Turning to Virtual Reality to Connect with Visitors / source

As thousands of galleries and exhibition spaces around the world are being closed for months due to the COVID 19 pandemic, more and more of them are turning to innovative digital technologies in order to keep in touch with visitors and collectors. In the past couple of weeks the two forms of virtual reality (VR), in the form of augmented reality (AR) and extended reality (XR), are becoming increasingly used. These technologies have especially been praised for spaces that exhibit sculptures as they offer visitors to explore the art pieces in 3D. Some bigger galleries, like “Hauser & Wirth” have tasked their own in-house tech and research departments in order to adapt VR technology to their own needs.

You can read more about the application of VR and the new challenges that it brings into the work of gallerists around the world at Artsy.

BITE of Art, a project co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the EU,  was among the first to offer gallerists an option to digitalize their collections and present them in a 360° environment. You can take a look at Desiring Machines virtual exhibition done in cooperation with the November Gallery from Belgrade. 

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