Short documentary film “Llindar” by Camilla Lloris produced with the support of BITE

BITE of Art has supported the production of a short documentary film “Llindar”, directed by Camilla Lloris Munoz. She is one of six young artists who were selected within the BITE Open Call for Young Artists to produce socially engaged artworks aimed at promotion of European values of tolerance, peace, individual freedom, solidarity and equality.

“Llindar” is exploring how human destinies are shaped by a fact on which side of border you are born by following migrants from Africa on they journey to the shores of Europe. The film features testimonies of people who have managed to survive the perilous crossing of the Mediterranean Sea.

You can watch the trailer on BITE’s YouTube channel:

El proyecto "BITE of Art" está cofinanciado por el programa Europa Creativa de la Unión Europea.

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