Copywriting and Storytelling

When someone says “story” or “copy” majority of people instinctively start thinking about some long pages of text or audio/visual narratives that you need to produce. Speaking from the strategic communication point of view this doesn’t need necessarily to be true. Yes, you can create stories in this manner, but today it’s more about creating an image of your artistic organization/institution through long-term and constant interaction with your audience. This is a story of how you are changing/making impact on the world of art and social media platforms are your perfect tool for that.

How to make a good story?

Authentic rather than trendy. This doesn’t need to be disconnected, but the most important thing when telling stories is to be really authentic and that people who are reading or listening can really feel your passion and that you are true with what you are saying. Still, this need to be something you audience will be interested about.

Majority of decisions are made on the emotional base. You will often hear people saying something “feel” right or wrong. This “feel” of there is actually their emotional response to information they received.

Almost every good story intends to evoke fear or hope to the reader/listener. Hence, it’s always good to have some surprise, tension, conflict, drama, different point of view, etc.

People rather like to hear about benefits they can get then listening to the characteristics of your offer.

Involve testimonials of other people. For example, from someone who already took part in your program and sharing their impression with other people. This way you will be a step closer to gaining their trust as people like to hear “third party” opinion.

Use simple language, adjusted to your audience. Also, as short as possible forms. Very short sentences one after another tend to drive more “emotional” response, while longer more “rational” response.

Create a sense of exclusivity. Make them believe that they are having opportunity of being part of something which not many before them had.

Sense of urgency – another sense which is very valuable to create among audience.

Consisting rule: do my story really needs every sentence and word that I used? Can I eliminate some or make it shorter and not affect the message?

First introduce them to the core message and let the rest of the story develops afterwards.

Picture is 1000 words and video is 1 million pictures; tell or support your story through graphics.

Respond to comments on your story/posts.

Digital content creation tools

Here is a list of a useful links for many aspects we have addressed through our BITE communication strategy and related annexes.

Examples of mission and vision statements useful for idea sparking

Visual identity – The basic about lines and how to use them in the design

Visual identity – Free apps to find your ideal color palette

Visual identity - Free fonts

Video explainer - Copywriting and Storytelling

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