6. Messages

Contemporary life in almost all its aspects is faced with information overload. Whenever we need to make some decision, buy something, select something, nowadays we have numerous possibilities. This is even more intensified when it comes to the Internet and communication. The volume of information people are receiving has grown exponentially. We are saying this because before we start creating our messages, we need to be aware that:

  • Decision-making of the person consuming the information becomes a real challenge.

  • It is much harder to deliver the right message in such harsh competition.

  • The language and technology in communication is constantly evolving.

6.1. Key massages

Before you start drafting your key messages, we would like to share few inputs with you which can made this task easier. Going back once more to Simon Sinek, a world-known marketing specialist who invented a communication approach in creating messages containing three main elements in this respective order:


This is your purpose which we discuss in the Determining your identity chapter. People would not like to know what you are doing. All galleries are doing exhibitions or making some artistic programs. They would like to know why you are doing the work you do. They want to become inspired the same way you are. So, whenever you are developing a message, or a communication campaign start with “why”.


Having look back into our Bites, “how” is a “unique value” we have defined. It is used to showcase why you are better than someone or something else.


This is a place where you completely rationalize your “why”. It is an artistic, cultural or other program you are offering to your audience, in the manner solely reserved for you.

Furthermore, there are also several points you should take care of when developing key messages:

1. Is it short? Sentence or two.

2. Is it easy to understand?

3. Is it engaging?

4. Is it the correct information?

5. Is it tailored to your audience persona?

6. Does it have call to action?

Using above-mentioned line of developing key messages and a checklist we provided to you, try to develop key messages you would like to share.

YOUR STORY MATTERS: Stories are a tool that makes a distinction between you and your competition or help you to pop out in sea of other content. Today, it is not enough to have a great idea or good artist, you need to create your context, your environment, your story, which will inspire people to support you and your cause. Only by creating this, your quality will emerge. However, your story is not a page of text you wrote on your web page, but rather an image of your artistic organization/institution which you patiently build using constant interaction with your audience. Consult below in ADDENDUM, the practical advices about storytelling and copywriting tips.

6.2. Content marketing

Guideline on using content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content (three stages).

ccording to the definition “Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive desired action”. This kind of marketing approach is highly relevant for us, as our main intention is to attract young people to the contemporary art programmes, artworks, artists and transform them into contemporary art frequent consumers.

Process of content marketing should be understood as a 3-stage funnel, where in each stage number of people you should reach is decreasing, but their value or importance for your work and success of communication strategy is increasing.

Stage I: Top of the funnel – At this stage you want to inform audience about your existence. Hence, your messages here should be general allowing you to reach as wide audience as possible, but still focused enough on unique value your audience persona has and topics related to your work they might be interested. Your intention is to establish communication with them and narrow down the number to those who are interested into what you are doing.

Characteristics of this stage: Widest audience; Most general; Interested in what you do; Least ready to convert (become your audience); Lowest value.

Stage II: Middle of the funnel – You’ve got their attention and they started following your work. That was the easiest task. Now you need to maintain relevant communication with them for a longer time, convincing them to become your frequent art consumer. At this stage you should explain to them how you are going to fill in something they are missing in their life or to enrich their life with your artistic and cultural offer.

Characteristics of this stage: Targeted audience; Meets audience persona criteria; Interested in a benefit you provide; Moderate value.

Stage III: Bottom of the funnel – Now you have managed to convert them to become interested to be your fans. Yes, they are still not fans since this is also a long-term process. You need to be patient and constantly offering a high-value information and services to those people. They are the once most probably to show up when you make an invitation or follow any other call for action you send in air. Just remember, all the time you are not trying to sell them anything, you are trying to help them to achieve something.

Characteristics of this stage: Narrow audience; Interested in your artistic services and programs; Ready to use; High value.

When you plan your communication strategies, try content marketing approach and devote time to each stage. It will help you attract new audience to your space and/or programs. Establish editorial calendar and follow the plan you have set.

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