B. BITE of Art Web page

BITE of Art web platform is designed as a communication tool for coordination, networking, application and promotion of the “BITE of Art” and BITE CABM. It is a landing page for all BITE of Art content, published either by the project, or individual cultural operators. Any cultural operators who intent to apply BITE CABM can use this platform. Firstly, by opening their profile page, and then by using platform for its presentation and posting their news, events / exhibitions announcements, videos, photos. Automatically, each post will be publised on the BITE social media accounts.

BITE web page functionalities

Presenting BITE of Art initiative

Advertising and promotion of BITE network members’ contemporary art events

Hosting and generating BITE Art Tour (for mobile application)

BITE CABM 2.0 as an educational online guide with accompanying tools

BITE podcasts

Hosting additional content elements for BITE IoT and BITE 360

BITE library for young audience education

BITE forum for cultural operators

This web page is used for hosting all digitalized content: 1) VR 360° events / exhibitions 2) Augmented Reality images, 3) curators information about artists, events / exhibitions and artworks that will be used on BITE mobile application, for running BITE 360°, BITE IoT and BITE Art Tour tools.

BITE web platform has two front layers – one for public appearance and one for user, cultural operators, as it is presented below in the graph:

Video explainer - BITE WEB PAGE

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