Key Partners

Below are listed key partners of any cultural operator in visual contemporary art which have crucial role in implementation of BITE 2.0 CABM. Also, is explained the specific role of the each listed key partner during application BITE CABM. Alongside having specific roles in participating in BITE 2.0, all key listed partners have tangible benefits from it. One of the common interests for curators and artist is to generate new audience of their artworks and accordingly making parts of this audience into customers.


Artists have to be attracted to accept BITE of Art content to be added in their standard artworks’ exhibiting practice. Application of BITE is increasing their visibility, they are getting new audience, going on new market and increasing potential revenue. Their artworks are becoming accessible for much wider audience, and not limited to only exhibition or performance space.

Artist’s role in BITE is to provide side explanatory, or expression content to each exhibited artwork, that can help audience to better understand and experience their work. It can be prepared in any format which can be published online: video, audio, photo, and text.


Curators have to consider BITE of Art content as an additional tool to present and support artists’ exhibitions, or performances, then further to gain more educated audience about contemporary art, as well as to access to new and wider audience.

Beside curator’s standard work on preparation and setting an exhibition, or performance, for the successful application of all BITE content they should together with the artist prepare general synopsis in any online publishable format, and edit explanatory, or expression content to each exhibited artwork, prepared by artist. For the whole exhibition, curator can develop storytelling narrative, that will guide the audience deeper into the exhibited artworks, regardless of which BITE element is used (VR360, IoT, or Art Tour).


During strategic planning of communication for any contemporary art exhibition, or performance cultural operator should consider media as a partner. The focus has to be paid at the traditional and internet media. The same as BITE content is serving to attract new audience, the cooperation with media is serving for additional attracting media.

Media requires full and comprehensive information about any event they report. Exactly, preparing in structured manner all pop-up content about exhibition, or performance for BITE implementation is giving to media what they need, in much accessible formats. Media needs information about key innovation points in artworks exhibiting – what make differences.

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