This part is a step-by-step guide for embedding BITE CABM in the work of cultural operators
A. Starting cooperation with BITE of Art
Cultural operator who intent to apply BITE CABM into its work firstly should send email to [email protected] expressing that intention, with few information about is organisation / institution. When BITE support team reply with confirmation, the cultural operator is becoming member of the BITE network of members. After that it is ready to access member page on the BITE web portal, and to start exploring and application BITE CABM with its bespoke content.
To ensure financial sustainability of BITE digital tools, membership in the BITE Network will be the subject of annual membership fees. Know-how contained in the BITE CABM 2.0 will be offered free of charge on the BITE web page, at BITE digital tools and BITE communication channels, while BITE Technical support team will be accessible only to the BITE members due to its nature (for example hosting the virtual guided tour costs for production and keeping it on the cloud).
NOTE: All new and old members of BITE network will not be charge with membership fees and will have FREE support until the end of the BITE 2.0 project (June 2024).
Check list:
Starting membership in BITE of Art initiative:
Sending expression of interest to the [email protected]
Conformation on membership in BITE network received
Opening user account at the BITE of Art web portal
Creating organisation’s account with data about organisation (text, photos, videos)