BITE Art Tour

WHAT is it?

- New BITE element for attracting and engaging audience at public spaces

- It is based on AR technology where contemporary art artworks-installations once placed in public spaces are recorded through the VR lenses and becoming archived and accessible at the spot 24/7

- Audience accessing art artworks-installations or performances as augmented reality feature at set geolocation.

- It is accessible over BITE mobile application - map

- When audience come at the location, they will use application to scan the landscape image and trigger augmented reality performances that previously happened at that place.

WHY to use?

- To attract new local audience or tourist visiting the city who are interested in contemporary art

- To push contemporary visual art steps out of the galleries and approach young people on the streets

- There is a higher chance to engage young audience by application of this new technology

- To enhance cooperation between cultural operators and local authorities by enriching local cultural landscape

WHEN to apply?

- Exhibiting artworks, contemporary art performances outside galleries.

- When artist / curator wants to virtualise real world space with their artwork/s.

- Need to enrich cultural offer of the town

HOW to apply BITE Art Tour

Application of BITE Art Tour can be implemented on contemporary visual art performances, installations or sculptures that are exhibited in the public spaces, through BITE mobile application for all cultural operators that are members of the BITE of Art network, while BITE technical support team is providing an assistance for its application.

Application of BITE Art Tour in practice should follow these steps:

1. Determinate on which art event intend to apply BITE Art Tour. It is most applicable at the contemporary visual art performances, installations or sculptures exhibited in the public spaces (streets, parks, squares, etc.).

2. Contact BITE technical support team for arranging artwork/s AR recording. It should be done during exhibiting period where artwork is posted at public space.

3. Preparing required explanatory guiding content that will follow exhibited artwork/s - (text/photo/video) about artists, artworks.

4. Recorded material of the artwork/s with prepared explanatory guiding content will be uploaded at the BITE mobile application database and posted at the map – determination its geolocation.

5. Once the artwork/s get removed from the location, the BITE Art Tour functionality will be switched on at the BITE mobile app and available as a teaser at the map to be visited

6. Now, for audience, by using BITE mobile app the artwork/s becoming entirely visible at the set location in the form of augmented reality feature (visible from all angles in 360°.

7. After switching on BITE Art Tour functionality for concrete artwork/s, in accordance with the communication strategy and plan share and promote information and link on the map where audience can visit recorded event / exhibited artwork/s.


    Application of the BITE Art Tour virtual curator application

  • Determinate artwork/s and location for application of BITE Art Tour

  • Conduct VR recording of the selected artwork/s at its exhibiting location

  • Prepare explanatory content about exhibited artwork/s (at least text + photos, video links)

  • Uploading prepared content at the BITE mobile application database and set map location

  • After removing the artwork/s from the location switched on BITE Art Tour functionality at the BITE mobile location

  • Announce the recorded artwork/s at the BITE web portal, user page Events announcement and fill in all data

  • Share and promote information and link on the map where audience can visit recorded event / exhibited artwork/s.

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