
Reset Mar Menor

The coastal lagoon in Mar Menor, protected on the international, regional, and national level, constitutes one of the richest environmental enclaves in southern Europe. The environment’s biodiversity is characterised by rich flora and fauna, mixed with the mild climate and certain idiosyncrasy which is strongly marked by the salt flats, the traditional fishing, and the …

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Nicht Fallen

The exhibition Nicht Fallen by Slovenian artist Jošt Franko is being displayed in Kresija Gallery in Ljubljana since September 8, 2020. Jošt is  a visual artist and photographer with a master’s degree from Goldsmiths University. His practice is based on interdisciplinary art and research projects exploring migration, workers’ rights, and the histories of the communities …

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Desiring Machines

The exhibition’s title Desiring Machines, unequivocally refers to the term elaborated in a more recent theory by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, but it also encourages us to think about mysterious relations between machine and body, while re-examining the point of passage between existence or non existence of the sensitive boundaries between the natural and …

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